Want deeper, more meaningful relationships? It might sound surprising, but it starts with God. Think about it: When we’re walking closely with Him, everything changes.  It’s not just about church on Sunday; it’s about how we treat our family on Monday, how we interact with our friends on Wednesday, how we handle tough situations at work on Friday. That’s where true obedience comes in. It’s not a list of rules; it’s a heart tuned to God’s love, and that love spills over into every relationship. The key is obedience to God. Let’s explore together;

Obedience: The Family

Family life can be a source of immense joy, but also significant pain. Conflict, misunderstanding, and brokenness are realities for many families. We often hear the longing for stronger, more loving family connections. The good news is that true and lasting change begins with our relationship with God. Obedience to Him is a pathway to healing and restoration within our families. It’s about discovering how God’s love empowers us to love and serve those closest to us. Let’s take a brief view in this area of life;

Husbands to Wives

Ephesians 5:25: (NASB)

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her.”

“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church…” This immediately sets the standard incredibly high. It’s not just about romantic affection; it’s about a sacrificial, committed love that mirrors Christ’s selfless devotion to the church, His bride. This love is not based on the wife’s performance or worthiness, but on the husband’s commitment to Christ and his desire to reflect Him.

We all have our moments that disappoints us, but let’s look at bigger picture how we can make this relationship better, that can reflect our relationship with God and our obedience to God.


We as husbands must start with ourselves. I would not say too much here, but will humbly put a question, this is valid for us all husbands. Ask yourself:  “Am I loving my wife sacrificially, as Christ loved the church?” Be honest and pray to God to reveal areas where as individuals we need to grow.

Reflect on Christ’s Example

At times look at Jesus’s example and HIS interactions with the followers. How did He serve them? How did He prioritize their needs? How did He communicate His love?

Prioritize Her Needs

Make a conscious effort to understand your wife’s needs – emotional, physical, spiritual. Actively seek to meet those needs, even if it requires sacrifice on your part.

Communicate with Love

Communicate with your wife with respect and kindness. It will be great to pay attention to the voice tone and language. Practice active listening, seeking to understand her perspective.

Practice Forgiveness

Just as Christ forgave the church, husbands are called to forgive their wives. Let go of resentment and bitterness, choosing to extend grace and understanding.

Serve Her

Look for practical ways to serve your wife. It might be doing chores around the house, running errands, or simply making her a cup of coffee in the morning. These small acts of service can speak volumes about your love.

Protect Her

Husbands are called to protect their wives – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This is one of the main aspects of Christ’s love for the church. This means being a safe place for her, advocating for her needs, and shielding her from harm.

Spend Quality Time

Love requires time and attention. Make a priority to spend quality time with your wife, engaging in activities she enjoys, having meaningful conversations, and simply enjoying each other’s company.

Seek Accountability

Find a trusted friend or mentor who can hold you accountable in your journey to love your wife as Christ loved the church. Be open to feedback and willing to make changes.

Pray Consistently

Pray for your wife, asking God to bless her and help you to love her as He desires. Pray for guidance and strength in your marriage.

Wives to Husbands

Ephesians 5:22-24: (NASB)

“Wives, subject yourselves to your own husbands, as to the Lord.For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, Himself being the Savior of the body. But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.”

As above, some pointers are offered to encourage wives in their God-given role within the beautiful tapestry of marriage.

Respect His Leadership

God’s design for marriage includes distinct roles. Wives are called to respect and support their husband’s leadership. Choose to honor and respect your husband’s leadership. A willing and respectful acceptance of the husband’s leadership within the family structure is strengthening for the marriage. A wife’s willingness to support her husband’s leadership is an act of partnership, allowing him to flourish in his role and creating a stable and secure environment for the family.

Communicate Openly and Respectfully

Share your thoughts, feelings, and ideas with your husband. Healthy communication is essential for a strong partnership.

Cultivate a Spirit of Partnership

View your marriage as a team effort. Work together to achieve shared goals and navigate life’s challenges.

Support Your Husband

Be his ally and encourager. Believe in him and support his dreams and goals.

Nurture Your Family

Create a warm and loving home environment. Invest in your children and build strong family traditions.

Grow in Christlikeness

Focus on developing the fruit of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These qualities will enhance your marriage and your life.  

Pray for Your Husband and Your Marriage

Consistent prayer is vital for a strong and healthy marriage.

Seek Wise Counsel

Don’t hesitate to seek advice from trusted mentors or counselors, especially older, godly women who can provide guidance and support.

Embrace Your Strengths

Recognize and celebrate the unique gifts and talents you bring to your marriage and family. Don’t be afraid to use them.

Remember Your Value

Your worth is not defined by your role as a wife, but by your identity as a child of God. Embrace your inherent value and live with confidence and grace.

The post, “Obedience: Life Applications” is distributed into 4 sections. We will continue with part 2 of the same post.  

**May Lord Jesus Christ empower you to live a life that is pleasing to Him.**

Michiah Gill
Michiah Gill

Hi, I’m Michiah Maqbool Gill. I’m passionate about making a positive difference in the world through various initiatives and community engagements. My Christian faith is a big part of what drives me, guiding my actions and decisions in life. I believe that through compassion and service, we can inspire others and contribute to a brighter future for everyone.

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