In previous post, the focus was on general aspects of obedience. Now the discussion shifts to obedience within the context of Christian believers. Before i say something more, i will mention what the two great Christian scholar has to say about obedience. 

Insights from Christian Authors

A.W. Tozer, in The Pursuit of God, emphasizes that true obedience flows from a heart captivated by God’s holiness and beauty. He stresses that a deep, intimate relationship with God is the foundation of genuine obedience.

John Piper, in Desiring God, connects obedience with joy. His concept of “Christian Hedonism” suggests that our greatest joy is found in obeying God. This obedience flows naturally from a heart that delights in Him and His ways.

The authors agree that Christian obedience stems out of our relationship with the Lord. It is out of that intimate relationship, and it flows naturally from a heart that delights in HIM.

What is christian obedience. Here’s the beautiful, life-altering truth.

  • It is a vibrant, dynamic, and downright joyful relationship.
  • It’s not dragging your feet under the weight of duty.
  • It’s a spontaneous, joyful overflow of gratitude.
  • It is a heartfelt response to the immeasurable grace we find in Jesus Christ.
  • It’s a continuous process of harmonizing our desires with God’s
  • It’s not a chain, but a dance of freedom and love. a dance of love.
  • It’s walking in step with the God who loves us beyond measure.

“Obedience”—submission to God, walking in step with Him—is a thread woven throughout the Bible. So than then what is the core of Obedience

  • True obedience is rooted in knowing God’s heart
    • We come to understand God’s desires and purposes through His Word, the Bible. This is about more than just reading; it’s about seeking to truly know Him.
  • Trusting HIS character
    • We trust that God is good and that His ways are best. This trust, represented by the Greek word peithō (πείθω), involves being persuaded of God’s goodness and submitting to His authority.
  • Living in Alignment
    • Out of love and trust, we choose to live in a way that reflects our commitment to God. This active obedience is related to the Greek word hypakouō (ὑπακούω), meaning “to hear and obey.”

What it means for a Christian believer

So what are the implications of obedience in a believer’s life. The key to understand is that it transcends mere rule-following, it’s a matter of heart. Listed below are some important aspects that the believers need to understand.

Responding to Grace, Not Earning It

For many today, the word obedience in itself conjures images of rigid rules and stern authority. If that’s your initial reaction, you’re not alone. But the truth is, Christian obedience isn’t a burdensome obligation. obedience is a response—a heartfelt outpouring of love and gratitude—and not a tool for earning God’s favor. It flows from the grace we’ve already received, not from a desire to obtain it.

Ephesians 2:8-9 clearly states, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” The New Testament reveals that

The Holy Spirit: Our Partner in Obedience

John 14:26 informs us “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” So in the journey of obedience we are not alone. The Holy Spirit is our helper, our guide, our power source. He convicts us, encourages us, and equips us to live a life of obedience.

Hearing and Heeding God’s Word

John 10:27 reminds us that Christ is our shepherd and this is what he says to you and me “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me”. So it’s more that just reading the Bible. It’s about prayerfully listening to the Holy Spirit’s whispers, the still, small voice that guides us. Are we tuning our hearts to His frequency?

Surrendering to God’s Will

We all like to be in control, right? The essence of true obedience means letting go and trusting God. Isaiah 55:8 reminds us “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord” When we surrender ourselves to him completely. He will walk before us, He sees the road ahead, the potholes, and the breathtaking places that He will take us. Lets surrender completely.

Following the Example of Jesus Christ

Hebrews 5:8 tells us, “Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered.”We the believers and the followers of Christ are called to walk in His footsteps, even when the path is hard. Jesus is an example of complete surrender and ultimate obedience to Father.

The journey of Christian Obedience

Christian obedience is an active concept and an ongoing journey. It a continuous way of living. It includes;

  • Daily surrender
    • Making a choice to follow God’s will in every moment
  • Consistent study of the word
    • Allowing the word of God to shape us.
  • Prayerful dependence
    • Let Holy Spirit be our guide.
  • Fellowship
    • Supporting and walking with other believers.

Christian obedience, is a concept woven throughout the Bible, frequently becomes entangled in misconceptions. Far from being a heavy yoke forced upon us by an austere deity, it’s more accurately understood as a heartfelt and appreciative reaction to the boundless grace we receive through Jesus Christ. It’s a continuous process of harmonizing our desires with God’s, a journey fueled by love and strengthened by the Holy Spirit.

To unpack this further, consider that obedience, in the Christian context, transcends mere adherence to a set of rules. It’s a dynamic and relational engagement with God. It involves:

  • Active Engagement with God’s Word: This isn’t just a passive reading of scripture. It’s an active pursuit of understanding God’s character and intentions as revealed in the Bible. It’s about letting those words shape our thoughts, actions, and ultimately, our lives.
  • A Deep Trust and Surrender: Obedience requires a profound level of trust, a willingness to relinquish our own plans and ambitions in favor of God’s. It’s acknowledging that His wisdom surpasses our own and that His plans are ultimately for our good.
  • Love as the Driving Force: Jesus emphasized that love for God and love for neighbor are the greatest commandments. Therefore, true obedience manifests in acts of love, compassion, and service. It’s about reflecting God’s love in our interactions with others.
  • Imitating Christ’s Example: Jesus himself perfectly exemplified obedience, even in the face of immense suffering. We are called to follow His example, to prioritize God’s will above our own desires.
  • Grace as the Foundation: It is essential to remember that our obedience is not a means of earning God’s favor. Rather, it flows from a heart transformed by His grace. It’s a grateful response to the gift of salvation, not a prerequisite for it.

In essence, Christian obedience is a journey of transformation. It’s is surrendering and allowing God to shape us into His image, to conform us to the likeness of Christ. It’s a continual process that requires humility, faith, and a willingness to let go our own agendas. But it’s also a journey that brings immeasurable joy, peace, and fulfillment

This post briefly introduced us to Christian obedience and its important elements. I would conclude this post here. Wishing you a journey that will bring you closer to the savior.

********May His grace and love surrounds you in the journey of love.**********

Michiah Gill
Michiah Gill

Hi, I’m Michiah Maqbool Gill. I’m passionate about making a positive difference in the world through various initiatives and community engagements. My Christian faith is a big part of what drives me, guiding my actions and decisions in life. I believe that through compassion and service, we can inspire others and contribute to a brighter future for everyone.

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